bilingual spelling control

Copper Contributor

Since starting a language course in French I ran into several problems.


I have documents with a Dutch phrase on the left, then a TAB and then the French phrase on the right.

On every line Word marks a word with red lines and it does so randomly.  A few phrases on the left (Dutch) and then a few phrases to the right (in French). So it doesn't detect the language correct.


I tried to disable spelling control, but placing a check mark before Don't execute spelling and grammar control doesn't work. When I start a new document, with Dutch set as standard language, French spelling control keeps coming up.


Is there a solution for these problems?

7 Replies




Turn off the option to detect languages automatically. It almost always causes more problems than it cures.


Create a character style with the proofing language for the language you use the least or which is not the one in which you usually type. Apply that style to text in the different language.

See my article: Using Styles for Proofing Language Settings - Microsoft Community 


Thanks for your reply and your link to more information about this. I understand that language detection doesn't work and I have it switched off. And I don't really need spelling control, so I tried to switch that off.


The problem then is, that spelling control doesn't switch off. Of course I selected all text with Ctrl A, then I checked Don't execute spelling control, like in the attached picture. Still words in Dutch or French are marked as incorrect.


So, is there a way to really switch off spelling control for a whole document? 





No picture was attached.


You do not really want to turn off spell checking: you just want it to work correctly.

A separate character style for the language(s) involved is the best way to do this.

Using Styles for Proofing Language Settings - Microsoft Community


That said, if you did Ctrl+A and checked "Do not check spelling or grammar," then it did turn it off for all of the selected text. You may have to press F7 (fn+F7 on many computers) to clear the marking.


"I tried to disable spelling control, but placing a check mark before Don't execute spelling and grammar control doesn't work. When I start a new document, with Dutch set as standard language, French spelling control keeps coming up."


Are you ErikJan who posted in this thread on Eileen's Lounge?

You almost certainly have French set as the language in Windows.

Word will adopt the language set in the operating system.

Spelling Checker Does Not Work! - Proofing Language Keeps Changing - Solutions


You can certainly turn off spell checking for Word under Proofing Options.

No, I am not and I solved my problem when I found in File / Options, that I could uncheck Check spelling while typing. Then the red marking disappeared. I haven't tried F7, but I will try next time.
Thanks for your help!
To be clear, the F7 key tells Word to run a spelling and grammar check (but ignore text marked to not be checked). It would have refreshed the marking on your text and turned it off.
I understand. Thank you for all your suggestions.