How do I "favorite a space" here?

Bronze Contributor

Hello, I'm fairly new here although I've been part of the Microsoft Community for decades dating back to newsgroups.

Whenever I log in I see this banner:


Welcome Charles_Kenyon!

You are ready to join the discussion. We invite you to visit your profile page and favorite at least one space.


I have no idea how to do this. Nothing on my Profile page seems to correspond to it.

I also looked at this post on Favorite Places but it did not help. I went to the suggested link but the page was inactive since I have no Favorite Places.



22 Replies



Also, readers may wish to note the difference between “Hubs” and “Spaces”.



Hi Charles,
You are not alone. Like you, I've been in tech for decades, but had trouble figuring this out. It's a very poor design that is not only non-intuitive, it's misleading as the one link in completing your setup sends you to the hub, but the hub has a link that tells you to go to your preferences to perform this function. Thanks for posing the question so I didn't have to. :D