Teams Attendance Report - A Network Error Occurred

Copper Contributor

Hi all.


Could anyone shed some light on an issue I have reported that is affecting all users, please?


When a user accesses meetings they arranged, either at the time of the meeting or afterwards, they get the following error:




All these users are on the same meeting policy so I have checked:



[PS]> Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity RestrictedAnonymousAccess | Select AllowEngagementReport




I have made a comparison using fiddler to a working tenant and the tenant displaying the global issue, and I see one obvious difference:






The working tenant shows HTTP traffic to but the tenant with issues shows no trace of this api.


This feature worked on the affected tenant until around 4 weeks ago but would love to see if anyone could steer me in the direction of what could have caused this to stop working?


Any help is gratefully appreciated. 



6 Replies
I would definitely create a ticket with Microsoft from the admin portal about this!


Hi @adam deltinger 


I should have said, I have got one logged. 


After 1 week I haven't really gotten anywhere I'm afraid. Asked for it to be escalated but not sure if that is happening either. Bit of a shame that way really.


Thanks for reading all the same.

@AlanPs1 I now have an escalations engineer assisting, yet we still have no fix. I will update this post when I get more information. 

@AlanPs1  Hi. I have the same problem - did you resolve the issue? Best regards.

I am facing the same issue as well and no fix yet from MS.
I was able to solve this within our environment: was blocked by a company-wide DNS-adblock list. Just ensure that the affected clients can communicate with this host. (It will also answer to a ping.)
Hope this helps.