Skype for business CDR database - how to determine if user joined by phone

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


Not sure if this has been asked before, as I did not find it by search.


I am extracting the data from the Skype CDR database to get stats on usage for my company.


Does anyone know if the database contains information if a user joined a conference using the join by phone option? I want to be able to distinguish those that dialed into the conference using the Skype phone number(s) and those that join through the Skype application.


Thanks your help!


5 Replies

Sql Query/Script to get Skype for Business/ Lync 2013 Dial-in Conferencing QOE

This query you can use to get Dial-in quality and also filter with time and phone number.



select fu.URI as CallingUser, tu.URI as CalledUser, *

from [QoEMetrics].[dbo].[Session] as sd

left outer join [QoEMetrics].[dbo].[User] as tu on sd.CalleePAI = tu.UserKey

left outer join [QoEMetrics].[dbo].[User] as fu on sd.CallerPAI = fu.UserKey

where CalleePAI like ‘%1241790%’ and ConferenceDateTime > (getutcdate() – 30)

order by ConferenceDateTime


Here you need to modify your number in CalleePAI like ‘%yournumber%’ and define the number days in  (getutcdate() – Numberofdays)


Sometimes running sql queries affects the database performance and its data so make sure you analyse its impact on your Skype/Lync 2013 environment and run it on own risk. 

I think you at least can see what kind of device is used. I took a deep dive in that database early last year, let me see if i can dig up some info. Answering from the phone now, so il check tomorrow morning.

Thanks hariom for the tips. I will try it out and let you know how it goes.

Thanks Alexander. Will wait for your input.


In the meantime, I will try what hariom suggested.


I thought i had some reports laying around, but didnt find them, il let you know if i do. I had some custom reports setup at a customer. 

I guess you can find Caller or callee URI on  a conference that would contain a phonenumber. Just dont remeber the table it was in