Upgrading SharePoint 2013 to 2019

Copper Contributor

I understand that in order to upgrade SharePoint 2013, we must upgrade to 2016 first. I have also read that the 2013 database needs upgraded/migrated to a new SQL server in order to properly attach the new database (with the existing data) to the new SharePoint2016 server.

My question is:

When we begin the SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint 2019 upgrade, do we need to move the database to yet another database, or can the existing database be connected to the SharePoint 2019 server?


To clarify, we are doing this in 2 stages

Stage 1:

             -Create new VM to host SharePoint 2016 (SP16)

             -Create new VM to host SQL Server (SQLVM1)

             -Migrate existing SQL database (SharePoint 2013) to the new SQL server VM (SQLVM1)

             -Decommission SharePoint 2013

Stage 2:

             -Create new VM to host SharePoint 2019

             -Attach database from SQLVM1 created in stage 1?





3 Replies
best response confirmed by andyb12321 (Copper Contributor)


follow the below steps. 

1. Take the Backup of the SP2013 Contnet Database

2. Attach  it to the SP2016 SQL  Server.  Give DbOwner access to the account that you you will use in SP2016 to mount the content Database.  Could be your Farm account.

3. Run the test-spcontentdatabase to check for any errors

4. From Sharepoint POwershell  run the Mount-spcontentDatabase . This will upgrade the Content Database to the SP2016 version. 

5. Test the Site Collection  from the new content Database

6.  Take a Backup of the Database from the SP2016 Database server

7. repeat the Step 2,3,4,5,  on the SP2019 Environment

Thank you for the guide. This makes much more sense than the directions I was looking at!

@Maruthi Gadde 


Is it possible to attach a copy of the database instead of the original database?

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by andyb12321 (Copper Contributor)


follow the below steps. 

1. Take the Backup of the SP2013 Contnet Database

2. Attach  it to the SP2016 SQL  Server.  Give DbOwner access to the account that you you will use in SP2016 to mount the content Database.  Could be your Farm account.

3. Run the test-spcontentdatabase to check for any errors

4. From Sharepoint POwershell  run the Mount-spcontentDatabase . This will upgrade the Content Database to the SP2016 version. 

5. Test the Site Collection  from the new content Database

6.  Take a Backup of the Database from the SP2016 Database server

7. repeat the Step 2,3,4,5,  on the SP2019 Environment

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