Unable to map SharePoint Online site to file Explorer using "net use M: "https://******.sharepoint.c

Iron Contributor

We have SharePoint online tenant, and we want the users to access the document libraries files and folders using file explorer when they have internet connectivity. I tried running this command:-



%systemroot%\System32\conhost.exe powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle hidden -command "(new-object -com internetexplorer.application).visible=$true"

@echo off

net use M: "https://******.sharepoint.com/sites/HR"

taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe



where it worked well for one user and failed for the others, where they get this error:-



Now we have disabled OneDrive inside our machines since it is consuming a lot of space, and instead we want the users to access the files and folders using file explorer when they have internet connection. so any advice about the error we are getting? although i added the SharePoint site to the trusted site insdie IE and we also those urls:-

  1. https://*.sharepoint.com
  2. https://*.microsoftonline.com
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