Sharepoint Home showing incorrect activity info

Copper Contributor

I never noticed before, but one of my users recently pointed out the activity info on Sharepoint home was incorrect. I was suprised to see she was right. Sites I have never opened show me having opened certain files. Sites I have opened show me having read/opened files I have not opened. It even shows sites in my frequest list which I do not remember ever opening.


The 'modified' entries seem to be reliable but the 'read' entries are not.


Has anybody else experienced this?


Example of false entryExample of false entry 

20 Replies
@amyl1 we did open en ticket but nothing came of it. The logs said it was viewed, so it must have been viewed. We don't use any third party tools that could explain this. But we stopped getting questions about it and I stopped noticing it as time went by. So i didn't push it further