SharePoint Duplicate Comments

Copper Contributor

One of my SharePoint Users has had an issue with duplicate comments being made.

It doesn't happen every time though. It's only when they have to request permission to share it. 


It won't allow her to add the comment without her clicking share and notify. Then, it shows two comments like this:

Here's what it looks like for them:


Is there a way I can set it so it doesn't make duplicate comments, but still require them to grant access?


3 Replies
Is it reproducible with the steps user follows?
I'm having the same issue when the grant access prompt comes up.

@Scott180 I am also having this issue. It seems to only occur when we @mention someone for the first time on an item. Once they have been mentioned in a comment, I can continue to @mention them without the "Grant access" notification and duplicate comment occurring.