Search Result Block on List Column Items

Copper Contributor

Hi there,


I have the following problem. I have a list in SharePoint with several company addresses. One column contains the city where the company is located. Now I want to customize my search results by creating a result block which should show only elements from this list. I got it working already. But now I want to start this query rule not only with certain keywords like "address" but also when any city which is contained in the column of my list is entered. Is this possible and if so, how?


Thanks in advance!!

2 Replies you have a managed property created for the columns you want to include in your search results?  If not you can include them in a site column and content type and it will be created automatically.  Once you have this then you can include it in you're display template.

Hi Steve,

thanks for your response.

Yes I have a managed property created for it. The problem is I don't want to search this property but I want to use values stored in this column to be used as a trigger for a result rule.

So e.g., when I have a column "Location" with Values "New York", "Berlin", "Paris", ... I want to be able to search "Berlin" and get a custom result block. But I have no clue how I can add this managed property / column as a trigger to a custom result rule or if it is possible at all.