MS Graph API to access SPO with Powershell

Brass Contributor

I want to automate one task in Office 365 by using powershell and for this I registered an app in AAD (V2 endpoint and given access to MS Graph API with permissions "Have full access to all site collections", "Read and Write all groups" (and so on) access to the app.
I am able to get the O365 group details via below PnP powershell commands but I am not sure how to get the context of SharePoint site or how to connect to a SP site within the same PS script by utilizing the same App credentials.


Connect-PnPOnline -AppId '<App Id>' -AppSecret '<App Secret>' -AADDomain ''
$group = Get-PnPUnifiedGroup -Identity 'hello team'
$spSiteUrl = $group.SiteUrl

Any tips how can I connect to SPO site?

2 Replies

to get the clientcontext you would do something like this:

$clientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteUrl)
    $clientContext.Credentials = $credentials
    if (!$clientContext.ServerObjectIsNull.Value)
        Write-Host "Connected to SharePoint Online site: '$siteUrl'" -ForegroundColor Green

Thanks but I am expecting to authenticate to SPO with the same App principal. In your example I have to pass the credentials which will not work in my case because I want to use the app id and secret.