Modern Team Sites and Highlighted Content with Custom Site Column Filter Broken

Copper Contributor

I've created a site column (Single Line of Text) and mapped the crawled property to RefinableString01.  I can add the refiner to my search refiners and show values.  When I add a Highlighted Content WP to a page and configure it to filter RefinableString01 and set equals to on of my values, I don't get any values. 

Has anyone else made this work? 

4 Replies

Hi Tim,


I got this to work, but it does take a while for the managed properties to come through. Are you using list columns or site columns.


Which crawled property did you map you managed property to? ows_fieldname or ows_q_TEXT_fieldname?


So - I've found a problem in the webpart.  In my case it turns the query posted into:

                "Key": "QueryModification",
                "Value": "RefinableString01=\"<My String Value>\" AND (SiteID:be86342e-4bd3-4cd3-8d47-d688cd171ee3 OR SiteID:{be86342e-4bd3-4cd3-8d47-d688cd171ee3}) ........


when in fact, it needs: 

"Value": "RefinableString01:\"<My String Value>\"  (colon vs equals sign)


if I change the query in the sharepoint search query tool, I do get results


Is this a bug in the webpart?

this is the craziest thing - love sharepoint - when I was showing someone else, the colon was back in but still no results.

@Tim Wheeler


We've made an update to Highlighted content, to broaden Managed metadata queries to search for content types beyond what we manually filter for (e.g. Tasks, Issues, Events, Document, Pages, etc.). 


Our initial design pre-filtered your managed metadata query by these content types.


Therefore if you were searching for something else (e.g. RefinableString01), you would see no results.


Now you will.