Microsoft Lists UI in SharePoint List UI instead of modern SPO UI

Copper Contributor


From a few days, some list from sites have interface like Microsoft Lists instead of modern SharePoint view interface:


The view/ui/ux/interface isn't a big deal, but I lost all navigation in my sites is gone and without menu work is very annoying. I heard from other people is not only in my case. So it's a bug from Microsoft or some quite unannounced change? How back to modern view?

11 Replies

@Karol_Kozowski Are you using targeted release or standard release tenant? If targeted release tenant, it maybe the temporary issue at Microsoft end.


I don't have this issue on our SharePoint tenants (I tested on 3 tenants). When I open the SharePoint list from SharePoint site, it opens with the SharePoint view (with site navigation, etc).

If you are opening the list saved in SharePoint site from "Microsoft Lists" app/site (Eg., 

then it is default behavior to open the list with "Microsoft Lists" UI and not SharePoint UI with site navigation, etc.


Follow below steps to open the SharePoint list in SharePoint view:

  1. Go to your SharePoint site.
  2. Click on Settings (gear) icon from top right corner and select Site contents.
  3. Locate your SharePoint list and click on list name. It should open the list in SharePoint view

Also, make sure you are not using this query string parameter while opening the SharePoint list: env=WebViewList


If you use this query string parameter with the SharePoint list URL, it open the list with "Microsoft Lists" UI.


If the issue still persists, I will suggest you to raise a support ticket with Microsoft directly and report this behavior: Get M365 Support - Online Support 

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@Karol_Kozowski Updating this thread with more information below:


Looks like this is a new feature released by Microsoft for SharePoint lists and your admin can change the settings to always show the site navigation using PowerShell.


Check this thread for more information: Microsoft Lists UI in SharePoint List UI instead of modern SPO UI 

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I have the same issue. Sometimes it's SharePoint lists, which it should be. And all of a sudden it is a Microsoft list which I don't want. My navigation is missing and it is super annoying.

I am a targeted user, which leads me to think this is something they would implement?

@Isabellio Yes, this is a new feature Microsoft currently rolling out. Check the link in my above response for detailed information.


You can get the site navigation back using SPO PowerShell command like: 


Set-SPOSite -Identity -ListsShowHeaderAndNavigation $true



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We have some user getting list as Microsoft list while others have sharepoint list. URL is same for both users and there is no query string appended. Has anyone observed this?
I am experiencing the same thing as well. Did you find a way to fix it already?
Unfortunately no. We convinced end user that they are few of the lucky ones to get latest MS list style.

Unable to figure out any pattern. Some users see same list in Modern list style while others see it in MS list style. Also, few lists from same site collection open in Modern list style while others are MS List .
Very strange... Curious to see if this gets resolved. One thing you could do is to create a link in the app launcher to your landing page. At least that somewhat simplifies the way back.

@Karol_Kozowski This is happening to our tenant also. We're first release. However, only a handful of users that we're aware of, are seeing the MS Lists format in the SharePoint site.

Is there any option to turn off this new modern experience?

We really hate this and we want the old "modern" experience. The items are opening in a teeny tiny pop-up instead of a large 3-column format and clicking on any of the column names throws a stupid "Could not find row selection cell for item key header" error.

We want a roll back or opt-out feature immediately.
Has it been resolved? With the new UI, I can't see the custom changes while others have no effects (they are still using "old UI")