Microsoft API/CSOM limitation for migrating and restoring major/minor version with approval statues

Steel Contributor

Hi All,

I have been in contact with one of the best vendor which provide migration and backup tools for sharepoint online. and they mentioned that currently due to limitation in Microsoft API and CSOM, the following scenarios will not be supported when restoring or migration sharepoint pages:-


The approval status for sharepoint pages (classic and modern pages) will not be preserved. where pending and rejected pages will be migrated and restored as approved pages. and they said this is due to limitation in micrsoft API and CSOM. and they can not fix this issue, unless it is been fixed from Microsoft side.


so can anyone advice on this limitation ? and is Microsoft planning to fix this in the future?

second question. are there other 3rd party tools which do not have this limitation? as in our case we rely a lot of approval statuses, where only certain users can view pending/rejected pages, so we do not want to expose those pending pages to all users when restored or migrated and having them migrated as approved.


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