How do you add a List Template to the Apps Gallery for all Modern Team sites that are created?

Copper Contributor

I have several custom project list that are typically used for all project and I want to have these available for staff to be able to add in each Modern Team Site that is created automatically when a new Planner is created. These lists are available for people to choose when they create a classic Team site, but I have not found a way to add them to the Modern Team sites apps gallery. Does anyone know a way to accomplish this?

3 Replies
Do you want this lists to be added on demand or could it be possible to add them once the sites are created?

Preferably be available when the site is created for the person to choose to add so I am not always having to be the one who creates them.

Well, the problem of modern team sites is that you can find some unexpected behaviors such as the one you have described and unfortunately there is not a solution for this case I believe there is not a way to have custom templates in modern SPO Team sites...but this is something you could have on other ways, for instance with the new site designs feature that Microsoft is starting to roll out