Excluding Specific Sites from "Recommended for Current User" News

Iron Contributor

We use the News web part on our intranet's home page, but we also have a second news web part set to "Recommended for Current User", which we call "My News".  The issue is that news posted on the homepage gets duplicated in My News.  I found a solution stating to use a filter which excludes a managed property, SPSiteURL, set to the URL of the site to be excluded.  I've tried this, but it doesn't appear to be working.  Can anyone offer advice on how to set this up?  The URL I'm using is just https://oursite.sharepoint.com/sites/sitename.  



3 Replies
This worked for me! Thanks :)
I'm trying to do the same thing, but having no luck with the method you described. Have you figured out any other solution?
Unfortunately, no. We ended up just not using the Recommended for Current User web part on our homepage. Microsoft seems to not have designed this to be compatible with a news web part on the same page.