Error when saving properties even if filled out

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


I just discovered something that might be a bug.


I have a document library with some custom columns. One column is of type Managed Metadata, and set to be Required. Column name is External Company.


After uploading the document, I open the Details pane, and enter a valid label into External Company. Then change focus to another column, and can verify that the new value is saved. 


However, if I do the same using the "Edit all" option, I get an error message saying "You can't leave this blank" when hitting the Save button. See screenshot below:image.png


I can confirm that the value in the screenshot above is indeed a valid term in the Term Store, and that this error applies to other terms from the Term Store as well. 


Has anyone else experienced this?


Thanks for any input or insight!

Kind Regards, 


22 Replies

We did get a solution from Microsoft that worked, mostly. The fix is a change to a library property using PowerShell. Then updating the metadata by editing the SharePoint online library metadata column works. But editing the data in desktop client properties panel (on the ribbon, File, Info to see the properties panel) does not. The PnP PowerShell example Microsoft supplied is:
Disable the document parser in the SharePoint online library:
• Save below script to your local drive as DisableLibraryParser.ps1,


HelpMessage="URL of SharePoint online site")]
HelpMessage="Title of the affected library")]

Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -UseWebLogin
$clientContext = Get-PnPContext
$library = $clientContext.Site.RootWeb.Lists.GetByTitle($libraryTitle)
$library.ParserDisabled = $true
Write-Host "Done" -ForegroundColor Green



• Open PowerShell Window as administrator, run the below command for install the SharePoint online PNP module,


Install-Module -Name "PnP.PowerShell"


• Run below command for allowing your computer to run PowerShell script,


Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted


• Use the CD command for navigating the folder which stored the DisableLibraryParser.ps1
• Run the script as below (please replace the site URL and library title accordingly),


.\DisableLibraryParser.ps1 -siteUrl https://[company][site] -libraryTitle "[Library Title]"



Thank you, I understand what u posted, but I cannot judge impact of disabling the document parser. Will properties still end up in documents?

My understanding is that the properties are no longer saved/updated in the Office file. The user was happy with this solution because they edit the properties via the SharePoint view not in the office file. I applied the PowerShell fix in July 2021 but have not done further testing (prior to the fix editing the metadata column was working for some files but not others).