5000 view limit update

Iron Contributor

During the SharePoint summit one of the questions was around any improvements on the 5000 limit limitation and the MS response was that there was going to be a statement released soon about possible improvements.


Anybody else see the question? or have any ideas on the timeline?


18 Replies
Sorry, but there is nothing public for now around this
Still got fingers crossed it will be positive news!

If you put correct indexes on the list you can exceed the 5000 limit for views. but this has to be done before the list hits 5000 items.

If that was the only thing this effected it would be ok, I get the point of it in 2007 but we need a review of this limitation to allow business to build reliable solution with the platform, at the moment poor user experience workaround are commonly required.

There is some items on automated indices. 


In the Flow / Powerapps video around 6:10 in it talks briefly about automated indicies to enable larger scale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2PhzzVwRM4&t 


However I thought we had that already in Sharepoint online. 


At some point Microsoft will need to address this ancient problem. 

Matches to the roadmap development for SharePoint



It is now possible to add indexes even after 5000 items, but even with that, it doesn't solve the 5000 view limit.

I have a list where Filter A gives 1400 items and Filter B gives 2000 items. If I put Filter A or B, where I expect maximum of 3400 items, i run into the 5000 view limit. This is despite the fact that i am filtering on indexed fields.


@Chris McNulty

No news this week....stay tuned.
Now what does that tell me... not this week maybe next ??? Nothing happening next week :nerd_face:

So.my theory is either the SharePoint backend is getting some clever indexing to fix the problem or even a complete re-engineering of the SQL to another type of DB that can handle more than 5000.

Either way looking forward to hearing all about it.
oh don't worry we've been tuned for about 10-15 years now :)... great to know it's still being looked into.

Please take a look at our announcements and sessions this week about predictive indexing and queries.

I saw your demo on live stream. Jeff's annoucement. Great job team.

Could it be ???? You got my attention, sir!

@Chris McNulty: When is this available in GA?

Just realized that the new predictive indexing (fix on the 5000 limit) only work with the modern experience. Doesn't work with Classic Experience!

I try a list with 6000 items in modern site, predictive indexing work but the filter on the list not work (many bug):

-if I Group by some columns not all type works

-if I Group by 1 text columns it seems works but on refresh not always display all items and only 5000 items, other disappear without message

-if I Group by 1 text columns and the try to use filter pane on other columns (choise type for example) it's not work and not filter but return random items (if the filter return more than 5.000 items it's go to error)


Result: impossible to use a list with > 5.000 items on modern site , need to switch to other products/solutions.


I try a list with 6000 items in modern site, predictive indexing work but the filter on the list not work (many bug):

if I Group by some columns not all type works

if I Group by 1 text columns it seems works but on refresh not always display all items and only 5000 items, other disappear without message

if I Group by 1 text columns and the try to use filter pane on other columns (choise type for example) it's not work and not filter but return random items (if the filter return more than 5.000 items it's go to error)


Result: impossible to use a list with > 5.000 items on modern site , need to switch to other products/solutions.


Adding @Lincoln DeMaris for awareness - are you using the filters pane, or f not, how are you filtering.  If so, we need to get you connected with support, because the behavior you're seeing is not by design with predictive indexes and the filters pane.