Embedding SharePoint List and Folder Content in an iframe on my site (not on SharePoint)

Copper Contributor

I have a task to embed SharePoint documents and the contents of a SharePoint folder on my website using an iframe.

So far, I've been successful with documents, using a URL like:




The documents are displayed perfectly.

However, I am struggling to find a way to display the content of a folder or a list via iFrame.

My attempts to apply a similar approach as I did with the documents, unfortunately, have not been successful. I've scoured the documentation, but have not managed to unearth an answer.

I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance on resolving this issue. Thank you!

2 Replies

@AndriiKo I came across this yesterday. I think you need to authenticate - take a look at this article (mainly first part):

"Microsoft SharePoint REST API access

We need to: configure app permissions to ‘share MyDocuments Library List’ and set up Client Id and Client Secret."


I know you may not be using WP, but at the end of the day they are doing initial connection and pulling of info via permissions. Let me know if I'm way off on this but figured I'd chime in. 

@AndriiKo I'm trying to embed a Sharpoint document in my wordpress site which is using WPO365 as login.   But when I use an iframe with the link of the document it's blank.  The document link is for public and can be read by anyone. I'm using that code : 

<iframe src="https://soinsvolants.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/Contenudelintranet/EU7ojwAdbw1Ngw2wMNA8f0wBOhyC3e5-NCM05Ua..." width="600" height="800"></iframe>


Any suggestion?