Colors Unavailable for Custom Fields (Project for Web)

Copper Contributor

I am trying to add colors to a new field in Project for the Web, but the color selection is unavailable to me.  I have watched a number of tutorials, tried different browsers, etc but nothing seems to work; by all accounts, this feature should be available to me.  Is there somewhere that I need to enable this feature?

7 Replies
From what I'm seeing the color option are only available for custom Choice field. When you update eh choice value, click the color picker and select the appropriate color. After I initially create a custom choice field the colors did not appear in the task grid. I had to close the project and re-open it for them to appear.

FYI - You can add emoticons as choice value by pressing the Window key + .

@RFromm Thanks for the input.  Unfortunately when I try to create a custom Choice field, the color picker option is not available; the icon is not there.  I've tried closing out of the project, etc, but I can't figure out how to get the color picker icon to be available to me.


Are there any instances of Project for the web where this feature would not be available?

Do you see the Delete icon? Hover to the left of the Delete icon and see if the picker appears?
What browser are you using? It works for me in Edge and Chrome?
I do see the delete icon, but the picker icon is not to the left of it.

I have tried both Edge and Chrome with the same results.
khampton --

I am confused about what "coloring" option you are describing. If you are talking about the Conditional Formatting feature, this feature can only be applied to the default fields in Project for the Web, and cannot be applied to custom fields. If you are talking about some other "coloring" feature, please cite one of the references where you have seen this described, and then we should be able to answer your question. Hope this helps.

@Dale Howard 
He is unable to see the Color picker icon when adding values to a choice field



RFromm is correct. Of note, I have the color picker icon available in other locations (for example, in the Board view for Buckets); it is just the choice field color picker icon that seems to be missing.