Aug 22 2016 08:51 PM
Aug 22 2016 08:51 PM
Hello All,
Need to clarify on few things on O365 Groups and Planner APP.
Aug 22 2016 09:18 PM
Aug 26 2016 03:45 AM
can you tell where those Groups are created?
In our company we have quite interesting situation. Our Exchange environment is located in O365D (Dedicated Cloud) but othe workloads are in O365 DvNext environment. So in theory we Planner shouldn't work on our environment since we don't have exchange but for some reason all Planner features work perfectly. If it's true that it requires Groups then the quesiton is where are those created in case of our environment.
Would you be able to answer that quesiton or point me to someone whom I can continue this dicussion with?
Aug 26 2016 08:19 AM
Apr 06 2017 12:05 PM
So here we are in April 2017. Need to get an update on this:
Will disabling Office 365 Groups in Azure per the following URL below disrupt the ability to create Plans?