Shared Calendar end time zone keeps changing

Copper Contributor



We have a shared calendar which is having strange behavior where the end time zone keeps ramdonly changing from Dublin - London time zone to Co ordinated Universal time zone.


The user does not have any issue on their old machine running on windows 8.1.  This seems to happen after loading their profile onto new Dell machines running on windows 11 previously and now windows 10. 





Any suggestions how to prevent this from happening? 



4 Replies
Same problem here.
On old machine running Windows 10 no problems. On new system Windows 11 same problem (with Amsterdam timezone).
I had a similar problem. Outlook was adjusting the time 1 hour later, and then adding on the Azores Time zone (I'm Eastern US). It was happening on both an old and new machine. I traced it to a conditional formatting rule I had set up. The rule didn't actually look at or adjust the time any, so I'm not sure why this rule was having an effect on the time and time zones. When I turned the rule off, the issue went away.



what rules are you referring to? the user's account doesn't have any rules set up on their outlook.

Even so this issue happens on the same user's profile on newer OS i.e windows 10 and 11. on their old OS windows 8.1 it doesn't have any issue.


@Nemo_ray Under "View", "View Settings", there's "Conditional Formatting" where you can set rules.  Mine was set to change category based on text in the title.  We're using O365, so this rule moved when I went from an old to a new laptop. I know some email rules can be local only, but I'm not sure about the calendar rules. 
