How do I copy all sent emails to inbox, as I send them?

Copper Contributor

I would like to copy my sent emails into my inbox. I know how to do this manually (and slowly); how do I ensure this happens automatically every time I send an email?


I don't want them to simply move into my inbox instead of my sent folder; I want to save a COPY of the email into the inbox, while still having them accessible from the sent items folder. 


Please assist! I have tried a couple different things, but I cannot get the "rules" function in outlook to do this correctly. When I try  to make a rule for this, I can only get the sent item to move out of the sent folder into another. I have had no luck getting a COPY to save somewhere else. 

59 Replies

I've reproduced this rule. Does not work.

Not sure why. I just tried and I got a copy in my inbox
check with your Exchange Admin. Maybe they have turned it off.



could you comment this:



 Do you see the same text in your OWA?

yes. I got it both in the browser and in my actual outlook
But the phrase states you can handle incoming messages, correct?
I guess ONLY incoming ;)
That is the problem. The full Outlook app has a rule for outgoing email, but I don't like the Outlook app, for a range of reasons.
I have also tried to make it work as described here, but it does not work, for me at least.



This is how I have it set up in and it works.



Wow. I've tested it in Office 365 and it doesn't work.

Could you please confirm?

Thanks for trying to help out, but I cannot get it to work when using the web version. As @Victor states, the "help text" does say it is for INCOMING messages, meaning messages that go to the INBOX. However, I have set up a rule for OUTGOING messages in the Outlook app, so when I use that one, my sent messages go to my INBOX.
Hi, thanks, but not so much experience with PA.. what would be the trigger event ? Any ideas ?
Power automate does not do when an email is sent. It only does when an email is flagged or arrives
I did have a look and that was my conclusion too... :(
The fact Power Automate hasn't get a dedicated trigger "When an email is sent" does not mean you cannot handle the sent messages. Just use the standard trigger "When a new email arrives" as shown here:

Hi @gita_mooney,


just FYI: "Therefore rules cannot be specified to the Sent Items folder in OWA currently"  - see

Hi @Sjur_Bjerke,


import and test SentItemsToInbox flow (only for Office 365, not for 


Instruction how to import you'll find  here.

@Victor Ivanidze 


That is one smart workaround.  Even though Power Automate does not look at outgoing mails, the fact that it automatically saves it in the send folder and using that to say if that folder gets "incoming" mail is GENIUS.


Happy Holidays


Great guys, but I'm not a fan of the Outlook app, so I need a solution for the web version... :(

I see there are 3rd party plug-ins that can do the job, but would have preferred to stay in the MS universe...

Anyway, happy holidays to you too !
I gave you a solution for the web version:

Happy holidays!
Thanks Victor, I will have a look and possibly enlist some local help as I don't have much experience with Flow. I'll report back !
I guess I'm doing something wrong here, but I get this error message when importing:

The solution file is invalid. The compressed file must contain the following files at its root: solution.xml, customizations.xml, and [Content_Types].xml. Customization files exported from previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 are not supported.

Anything I can do about this ?