Synchronization of OneDrive with Teams channels

Copper Contributor

Hey everyone,
I have created new folders in a project on OneDrive and would now like to make them visible as channels in Teams.
On OneDrive I have the 2 categories: Channels and Website Library, which now differ in content. How can I synchronize them? Thank you very much!

3 Replies
Your Teams channels are folders in a SharePoint site attached to the Team. Use those

You cannot do as you intend with OneDrive as it is built for a single user. Teams on SharePoint is designed for multiple users.

What you're trying to do is like replacing a racecar's wheels with skateboards.

@Mike Williams 
I just didn´t knew that I had to do the main folder structure in teams / or Sharepoint.
Anyhow - created new folder in Teams and moved all content in OneDrive to the new folders.

Teams channels create SharePoint folders. You can't create folders (in OneDrive,SharePoint or elsewhere) to make channels.


If you create your own folders X,Y,Z they won't be connected directly to the channels X,Y,Z