OneDrive broken on macOS 10.15 Catalina?

Copper Contributor

I noticed my OneDrive sharing options were missing, and that the icons were also missing from the top of the screen. Rebooting and reinstalling haven't helped. Something trashed by TM backup the other day so I cannot restore a previous version of the app. Anyone else seeing the same thing and/or know where to get a previous build?

43 Replies
This is working for me, it's no longer updating, thankyou @Charlie47!
It's been almost 24 hours and it's still running on the old version after my DNS 'trick'. Hopeful my luck will continue with that workaround.

Hello all,

@Charlie47I'm glad you found a solution!! I have the same problem, but since I'm not at all an expert with my mac, I don't know how to make this DNS block. Can you maybe please explain this step by step?

Would be totally amazing.


@dfeee77. There are several articles about editing a Mac's hosts file. Here's the one I used...

I used the address where the article talks about using the loopback address of That seemed to work for me.

@turingtest2 I have the exact same problem. It simply doesn't launch from launchpad. Rebooting or reinstalling doesn't work. 

I am now at my wits' end on this. I have been trying for a second day and it has left me going round and round in circles. Microsoft need to fix this as I am in no way a tech genius, but this is really messing up how I do things now and business is suffering, as well as my stress levels!:(


  • open Terminal (search spotlight), write/paste sudo nano /etc/hosts and hit return
  • write your password
  • below the last line of text write/paste and hit return (if u see something at the bottom regarding file name or something simply hit return again)
  • should be done by now so hit Control + O to save and then Control + X to exit
  • restart your computer to flush cache (just in case)

  • go to, install the previous version of OneDrive and once that's done it should be working as before (so far it is for me)

thank you sm @Charlie47!!

Hi TeresaCS, many thanks for this, but Microsoft are due (and that is a "how long is a piece o string" due) to get support to me ASAP. I've tried everything and if I do the wrong thing now out of desperation, I think I am opening myself up to potential security threats, so I think I will wait for them today and if they don't come back, which is highly likely, I will try your solution. Many thanks, Schozz
Check this solution:

Disable the StandAloneUpdater and don't use the Mac Store version



any experience how long it normally takes before an update is available for Cataline users?

Don't hold your breath everyone, still nothing from Microsoft support and my one-man business is suffering for it. Everything I do is taking twice as long, as I am having to download individual files from the cloud. Apathy is kicking in and no one on Microsoft's Twitter account is now communicating with me. Why is this such a painful/stressful company to get support from? I've paid for this, but doesn't seem to matter.:frowning_face:
I have the same problem (personal onedrive). It's make me go mad. C'mon @Pernille-Eskebo we need your help to fix this soon!

@PabloLl Hi Pablo, I feel your pain...I heard from Microsoft 365 who told me that the Support Team would contact me, they didn't and so I let them know and I have also chased Support again, but nothing.

Would be great if they could just tell us they are working on it?????:thinking_face:

Solution is here. Follow BrianParker's instructions EXCEPT that you download and install the version from the "Deferred Ring" instead of "Production Ring". The link for the "Production Ring" will you give you the most updated version which is the one causing all the problems. I have solved my problem now and am able to access my files to work.


After trawling through some other forums (fora), I found this link:

I followed this advice step by step and it has worked so far. I think the key may be the editing of the plist part. 
As far as the suggestion for LULU goes, I did not know how to do this, but it may help those who know more about this than I do.
Also, I am using an app called Lingon by Peter Borg. It is similar to a task scheduler in Windows and you can manipulate scheduled updates. However, by itself it is not as efficient as changing the script in plist.
Hi Pearl, thanks so much. I will give it a try, but I am not a technical wizard and everything I've tried so far hasn't worked. I think it is me, and I've been led down another Microsoft rabbit hole to reach support, 5 days now and no closer to get this resolved. Just can't understand why I am being bounced around like this:face_with_rolling_eyes:

Thank you. I found using the steps outlined in this article ...

... and inserting the fake /etc/hosts entry ...

... worked for me.

I now have OneDrive version 23.054.0313 running on my old MacBook Pro with Catalina 10.15.7

That was an unexpected fun side adventure with OneDrive, which had been quite stable ... until version 23.066.0326 was released.

Many thanks Micha, I will give it a go:thumbs_up: I heard from Support again today saying:

"Hello Pete,

Thank you for you response.

There is currently no ETA to when the update will be rolled out and resolved. However, I will try my best to update you via email as soon as I received update from the escalation team.

Kindly let me know if you need further clarification from my end."

"How long is a piece of string" and "don't hold your breath" comes to mind, but I sincerely hope it is sooner rather than later:crossed_fingers:

Hi Micha, I'm newly registered to this site but following the thread a while, since I got the same problem and tried all the suggested solutions from here. Just one question: you say "Try this:" followed by a link. But when I click on the link it will only direct me to my microsoft one login and the to the web-version. Was this what you meant (using the web-version of one) or did something happen with the link?

Thanks a lot!
Best, Michael