Can't empty recycle bin in onedrive

Copper Contributor

I recently have started having OneDrive storage space issues.  I have spent hours scouring message boards but none of them apply to my problem.  

The problem is that I have tried emptying the recycle bin using "advice" from other posts but there is NO button in my onedrive that says "empty recycle bin", only "restore".  it says i am over my limit by 195%

i know i'm not always the brightest star in the sky but unless i am a complete idiot, there is something wrong.

please help, this is very frustrating



I was finally able to find an "empty recycle button" but it was only available in the section where it said my account had been frozen due to lack of space.  I clicked on it and it has been "retrieving the files" for 10 minutes now.  something is not right.

6 Replies
So did it finally empty? Im stuck with the same problem

@UnPfhorgivenI also am stuck with it saying retrieving files. I am not over limit. I am currently a target of multi-pronged effort to gain access to my accounts and data and a SIM-swap will probably be next for me. It is troubling I cannot delete OneDrive files and they will likely be compromised.

@UnPfhorgiven I have found the button. When you are in OneDrive, where your recyle bin is, there is a left hand side menu.


Click on Premium One Drive


screenshot 1.png






















From that page, click on "manage storage". You will find a "free storage: empty recycle bin" button.

















However, as the other person in this thread mentioned, once you click on delete, it just stays stuck on a pop up that says "retrieving items".












According to a 2018 conversation in the Microsoft tech team community, it's by design. If you have more than 102 items to delete, then you cannot delete anything at all.


Great example of flawed designs that don't matter to modify to please customer demand.

@UnPfhorgivenI ran into this same problem and after a lot of trial and error, I found the fix. One Drive seemsw to have a problem deleting loads of files at once. I discovered that you can batch delete from the recycle bin but only 50 items at a time. If you go over 50 the delete option vanishes. A little more time consuming, but at least it works. Hope that helps.

@Jason_Forbis where is that delete button? Can you share a screenshot?

Because I selected one item and looked everywhere but couldn't find it.

  • @Floenerys once you check the files for deletion, the button appears at the top bar beside "restore" 20240613_213418.jpg