MSIX AppInstaller Error: The expected digest value did not match the actual digest value

Copper Contributor


I create a msix package to install a wpf application. You can run the msix package from a web application deployed on IIS.

I followed a youtube video on

An example is on the following github:


Basically If I run the msix directly everything works fine, but If I run the .appinstaller file I receive the following error:



From the log on the event viewer:

  • Appinstaller operation failed with error code 0x80080219. Detail: The expected digest value did not match the actual digest value of the content.

This is my appinstaller:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AppInstaller Uri="https://mywebapp/SPStart.appinstaller" Version="" xmlns="">
  <MainPackage Name="SpStart.Package" Version="" Publisher="CN=My Certificate" Uri="https://mywebapp/JuleClient/SpStart.Installer_10.2.0.103_x64.msix" ProcessorArchitecture="x64" />
    <OnLaunch HoursBetweenUpdateChecks="0" UpdateBlocksActivation="false" />
    <AutomaticBackgroundTask />


Note that during the build I follow the same steps of githubexamples:

  1. prepare the appxmanifest 
  2. prepare the appinstaller file
  3. build the SpStart.Installer.wapproj with msbuild
  4. sign the msix generated with a .pfx certificate and his password

What I'm missing?

Thank you for your help

1 Reply
80080219 is generally an issue seen when the verification of a signature fails. This could mean, for example, that the machine that you are installing on does not yet trust the certificate (If a self-signed cert it was not installed to the system certificate store trusted root category). I'd start looking there.