Which Teams addons or Connectors are must use in Teams?

Copper Contributor

I get asked this question by clients and honestly I don't know what to answer and where to send them except to the full list of apps. What would be your top 5 apps and connectors anyone should add to a team as tabs or connector (be it for projects followup, data analysis, meetings, marketing, sales, etc.)?

6 Replies
Powerapps to company apps,

planner if you don’t have other project management,

SharePoint library to company repositories or repositories outside of the team,

SharePoint pages to link to intranet news.

OneNote over wiki

Website tab to all related entities to a channel.

Only connector I’ve used mostly is Twitter.
Polly is a really solid add on I have used more than I can count.


I agree with @Chris Webb , my Customers most often used in Tabs the Documents, Planner, Group Email and Calendar (via Add a Tab -> Web).

I strongly recommend to remove Wiki and replace it with OneNote - as Karuana Gatimu replied in an another Topic: "I view Wiki as a less formal way of sharing information with the team.  We will support search more fully however I would recommend using OneNote and leveraging that robust search and integrated experience instead."


And of course the SharePoint List and / or Excel for status tracking or data monitoring..



OneNote, Planner, SPO pointed at the Home of the team and a separate link to the Hub site for all corporate sites.
We're recording meetings more for the ability to add a transcription that is searchable. We're thinking about adding a link to the Streams for that Team when we stand up new teams.

Hi @Ghislain Parent  - 

  • we use the wiki on the General channel for the rules of engagement, why this team exists, why each channel exists, how we'll handle membership, meetings, meeting notes, @mentions (typically remove the wiki on all other channels)
  • A OneNote with a section group for each channel, each section group pinned to its channel
    • each section group has a section for meeting notes and another for client comms where we forward emails 
  • A Planner on General with a bucket for each channel
  • Document Library pointing to our templates

@Ghislain Parent I'm TOTALLY biased because I wrote them :), but I've got a couple of Teams apps that I released to beta recently, some of which might be useful for this:


  • Reminders - similar to the Slack equivalent, a bot and/or personal tab for when you want to be reminded about a set topic ("remind me on Tuesday to file my TPS report"), or an actual Teams message (it adds to the Messages context menu). Allows once-off or recurring reminders that are time-zone aware
  • Quicklinks - this is a shared tab in a channel, basically like "shared shortcuts" for within a team/channel
  • Shortlinks - functions as a command in the top command bar in Teams, lets use take long links (like links to docs in Teams or SharePoint online) and create short ones you can paste into Teams messages, emails, etc.
  • Quotatious - more fun/interest, this app sends a daily/weekly/ad-hoc famous quote

The apps are just in beta for now, not in the store yet, so you need to side-load the manifest at the moment. To find out more about them, see https://www.chitchattr.com/#products, and https://www.chitchattr.com/sideloading/ . I'm running a private beta right now, if you or anyone else wants early access to these tools (feedback highly appreciated!).


The Quotatious one you actually don't need to side load, you can connect to it directly into Teams via the following link if you want to test it out: https://apps.chitchattr.com/TeamsBots/Quotatious