Teams Access Permission

Iron Contributor



Please I need your help on this issue. 


We have set up a Notetaker account and bought a license for Microsoft Teams - however, now when we try to login it says "You don't have the required permissions to access this org". Do you know why this might be? 


I went to Microsoft 365 admin center and it looks like Teams is already enabled for all users



We have four colleagues all of whom have Business licenses and can access the Microsoft programmes, including Teams, with no problem.


However, for a couple of months, we have had an additional account (Notetaker) with no email address that just has access to Teams. The purpose of this account is so that a colleague from our team can anonymously join calls and take notes.


We don’t want to pay for a full Business license for this user as this is expensive and this user just needs access to Microsoft Teams.


I am the Global Admin and I went to admin center to assigned Microsoft Teams Essential license to the account




But when i tried logging in to Microsoft Teams again and I’m still receiving the same error message





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