PSTN Usage not showing calls

Copper Contributor

We typically review PSTN usage from the Teams Admin center and pull any calling plan licenses from people who don't appear to be using their plan.  We recently had some people call to get their plan back because they state they definitely do use their plan and quite regularly.  


So, how does someone who says they get 50-70 calls a day show "0" PSTN usage on the report.


She does get her calls forwarded from a calling Q, but shouldn't that still track calling plan minutes?  Am I looking in the wrong spot?  

1 Reply
best response confirmed by toppero (Copper Contributor)
Hi toppero, on the PSTN usage report you will see only direct calls for this user. Calls forwarded from call queue will not shown on the users PSTN call. Be aware also, tha call history will be removed after 150 or 360 days because of data retention time.
1 best response

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best response confirmed by toppero (Copper Contributor)
Hi toppero, on the PSTN usage report you will see only direct calls for this user. Calls forwarded from call queue will not shown on the users PSTN call. Be aware also, tha call history will be removed after 150 or 360 days because of data retention time.

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