Navigation back to root

Copper Contributor

When a user opens a document in Teams, opens the document in the Teams cliënt (default option from this user in settings). After closing the document, the navigation in Teams switch back to the highest folder. That is not 'user friendly'. 

2 Replies


welcome to the Microsoft community, My name is Recep I'll be happy to help you today.

I understand that when a user opens a document in Teams, the document opens in the Teams client which is the default option from the user settings, however after closing the document, the navigation in Teams switch back to the highest folder.

Kindly confirm this same behavior on the web and if the web seems to be fine, kindly clear the Teams cache and proceed to un-install and install teams and you will be fine.

Kindly see steps below on how to clear teams cache

  • Fully close Microsoft Teams – Right click the Teams icon in the system tray (near the clock) and click Quit.
  • While holding down the Windows key, press R – this will open the Windows Run box.
  • Copy and paste this into the Run box: %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams
  • Delete everything in the folder
  • Relaunch Teams – it will ask you to sign in

Also ensure he changes his default to Teams and revert with the behavior.



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This works with the Office Desktop apps, not when we try to open a PDF document. After closing the pdf (with opens in Teams with the Acrobat plugin) then the navigation goes to the highest level.