Using Get-AADGroupMember to show Groups only

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone,


I'm looking for some help please...


I've been trying to run some powershell script to get a list of members from an Intune Group, however I want to filter on group members only.  I've tried various options, such as the below...


Get-AADGroup -groupId xxxx | Get-AADGroupMember | Where-Object {$_.'@odata.type' -contains 'group'} | Get-MSGraphAllPages | Select-Object displayName


But I get no results returned.  If I remove 'Where-Object', I successfully receive all members (devices and groups), but really want to show group members only.


Could anyone provide any help?


Thanks in advance

2 Replies

Hi @LeeGee76 ,


Use this PowerShell command and it will help you get details of members of the group: (replace the group id)


Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId "1xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--dfae68e93ff7"


Best Regards,


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Hi @LeeGee76,


Because the Azure AD PowerShell module will be deprecated later this year, I would focus on the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module to be future proof. You can use the following to get the list you want:

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups
(Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId xxxxxxx | where {$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -contains ''}).AdditionalProperties.displayName


$MemberGroups = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId xxxxxxx | where {$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -contains ''}

The Microsoft Graph PowerShell generates the output a bit different from what you're used to. Most information is within the Additional Properties.


I hope this helps.


