Microsoft 365 Apps - Teams not installed (Using Company Portal)

Copper Contributor

Dear Community,


we want to enroll most of the Microsoft 365 Apps via Intune --> Apps --> Companyportal.

Everything works fine for Word, Exccel, Outlook etc. but we do not get Teams installed!? It's selected like the others: 


We do see Microsoft 365 Apps within the companyportal on our "Entra joined devices" - installation runs quiet fast and everything works fine, only Teams is missing.

Do you have any idea what the problem could be!? I've already looked up some posts. Most of them were saying, that it should work after Mirosoft fixed it (status: Nov. 2023).

Thanks a lot guys!

16 Replies
I have been seeing the same issue for about a week now regardless of how/when Intune is sending it to the workstation. I noticed it first during an Autopilot deployment. The worst part is that you still can't deploy Teams by itself using the Windows Store app (new) method yet.... I get "This app is not supported in preview." when trying to set it up.
I have the same issue! A few weeks ago everything was fine. I didn't change any settings. Now I'm installing 130 new devices, we use the 365 Apps including Teams selected. Everything installs correctly but Teams is nowhere to be found. Even Intune says 365 Apps were installed succesful but there is no Teams on any device. I also cannot just download it and manually install as it's telling me you need some Microsoft Store addon that we can't run for now as we blocked the use of the store in a policy. This is different it seems from last year where Teams didn't install in EU countries. I hope someone has a fix or a workaround, I need it ASAP
yep same here.. few weeks ago it all worked fine

We think we've fixed ours. Rogue setting blocking store apps that aren't trusted, e.g. msix. Not 100% but manually changing the reg key allowed it to install. @CasparAbo 

Confirmed resolved for us. 

In new policies it's call explicit allow unlock.




@ITInfra Nice, where exactly and what setting did you change?

First check here: @CasparAbo 

Trust apps needs to be 1, if it is then try the below. If it isn't then you're probably blocking store apps by GPO/Intune policies.



If it is, this is what we did: Removed Teams from the 365 apps installer in Intune

Created a new Teams app from


Install command 
teamsbootstrapper.exe -p
Uninstall command 
teamsbootstrapper.exe -x
Installation time required (mins)
Allow available uninstall
Install behavior
Device restart behavior
App install may force a device restart
Return codes
0 Success
1707 Success
3010 Soft reboot
1641 Hard re
Detection script:

# Define the path where New Microsoft Teams is installed
$teamsPath = "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps"

# Define the filter pattern for Microsoft Teams installer
$teamsInstallerName = "MSTeams_*"

# Retrieve items in the specified path matching the filter pattern
$teamsNew = Get-ChildItem -Path $teamsPath -Filter $teamsInstallerName

# Check if Microsoft Teams is installed
if ($teamsNew) {
# Display message if Microsoft Teams is found
Write-Host "New Microsoft Teams client is installed."
exit 0
} else {
# Display message if Microsoft Teams is not found
Write-Host "Microsoft Teams client not found."
exit 1


I think because 365 Apps was device pushed it had no license, so didn't install Teams. This way installs it like any other app, you just need to keep the bootstrapper up to date. This way will keep the latest Teams installing for each build though.

Thanks for the details! It's strange but I installed another device just a few days later and now suddenly Teams installs just right without me having changed a single setting. Teams (for work or school) part of the 365 Apps installs by itself when performing a fresh start from Intune. I have no clue why sometimes Teams just fails to install. The only difference today is that I'm doing it from a different location with a different internet connection. Nu clue if that can somehow be related to the problem I was having earlier this week. Those 130 devices are still without Teams i believe. Will find out Monday...


thanks for your post.

I've created an intunewin-file and created a new app. I follow all of your steps but the app will not be installed.






can you figured out what i did wrong? 

thanks a lot



Looks ok to me. Double check c:\program files\windowsapps has the msteams_* folder. Easiest way to see it is open notepad as admin and then manually navigate to the path (it's a hidden folder). Not sure if it's different for your region.


Run the script manually with the exit codes and if it's good it should say it's installed.


# Define the path where New Microsoft Teams is installed
$teamsPath = "%localappdata%\Microsoft\WindowsApps"

# Define the filter pattern for Microsoft Teams installer
$teamsInstallerName = "MSTeams_*"

# Retrieve items in the specified path matching the filter pattern
$teamsNew = Get-ChildItem -Path $teamsPath -Filter $teamsInstallerName

# Check if Microsoft Teams is installed
if ($teamsNew) {
# Display message if Microsoft Teams is found
Write-Host "New Microsoft Teams client is installed."
} else {
# Display message if Microsoft Teams is not found
Write-Host "Microsoft Teams client not found."

Don't use that method. Instead download the latest installer for 'work or school' from here: . You will now have an .msix file.

In Intune, create a new 'line of business' app using the aforementioned file. BOOM, works like a charrm. We assigned it to all user so its not installed by default, but they can get it if they need it.

@michaelguthrie We escalated admin privileges to get some users to install as we had teams also added as a universal LOB, however it still didn't work. Did you have it added as the M365 app as well when trying this? 
I'm also not fond of this route for lack of auto update


Don't use the bootstrapper like Microsoft states in their docs? Asking for trouble imo. Also if you use the bootstrapper the user will always get the latest msix installer.

What I proposed is a stop-gap until (if) Microsoft gets it into Intune proper and we can just add it as a normal app to the portal. Plus Teams will auto-update itself.