Block to register in Intune until User Agreement

Copper Contributor

we manage several apps using App Protection Policies (Word,Excel etc.) . To ensure these policies take effect, the Microsoft company portal app must be installed on the device as a broker. However, when users open this app, they are prompted to register with Intune.
Download and Install the mdm profile

We tested this on IOS and Android


Is it possible to block registration with Intune until users have signed a usage agreement for MDM?

We are aware that is not necessary to open the Company Portal App to sync the App Policies but you all know Users... They will open it anyway :)


Best regards,



4 Replies

@ThomasGermany Use an Intune terms and conditions policy to present relevant disclaimers for legal or compliance requirements to device users. A terms and conditions policy requires targeted users to accept your terms in Company Portal before they can enroll devices or access protected resources.


Set terms and conditions in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn

Thank you!
Is there another way to just block the regestration in Intune?

To prevent this, navigate to Intune > Tenant Administartion > Customization >

Make "Device enrollment" unavailable here




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you want to block the automatic enrollment of devices in Intune?