Printing old responses after branching is added

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone


We have a bit of an issue with printing older responses to one of our forms, since branching has been added in the middle of it.  Basically if you try to print a response from before the branching was added the question that branches isn't answered (because it wasn't there at the time) but no other fields are shown after it.  I've mocked up an example below:


Original form response




Branching added (note that the branching questions are added before the original question 2)



Now if I try to view the first response again I can't see the answer to the original question 2 as the branching is 'blocking' it, even though it was answered by the responder.  I also can't change the responses to old submissions to get around this.



As far as I can see, the only way around this is to add any branching questions to the end of the form?  However, this isn't ideal as the flow of the form then doesn't make sense for new responders.


Any advice would be gratefully received.


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