Ignoring Staff Availability

Copper Contributor

We were impacted by the problems that several people reported yesterday where our Bookings page was inaccessible, but it seems to have resolved this morning. HOWEVER, the service is now allowing bookings to be made while staff is unavailable, despite all options for this being set to not allow it. Anyone else seeing this? Any suggestions?

8 Replies
Mine is doing the same thing. I don't have suggestions - but mine had the same problems with the onboarding page yesterday, and is now having this problem today.

I am having the exact same problem.  the service is now allowing bookings to be made while staff is unavailable, despite all options for this being set to not allow it. 



@robertmcfadden I'm noticing the same issue.  There are instances where there is a meeting already scheduled on the calendar in the timeslot (and that item's status is "busy") and a couple of times where "Out" is the status for the entire day.  Nevertheless, the times show as available to select in the Bookings calendar. 

Does anyone have any resolution on this.

@robertmcfadden We are experiencing the same issue. Has anyone heard that Microsoft is aware of this?

I did report this to Microsoft. The response was, "Regarding the staff unavailable, I am Not sure If the issue is related to this ongoing service report today morning. If it is related, we will need to wait sometimes for another updates from our backend Group. Again, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience".
This was an issue for us as well. A Critical Issue as we use Bookings for our Utility installs and disconnects. I reported the issue to Microsoft and they closed it "No Issue Found".

It's all working this morning. Would like to know what happened if anyone finds out.

@TRobbs We're also seeing a return to normal operation. Glad it wasn't just us, I suppose.