About the recent activity function on the right side of the AI page

Copper Contributor

How to close the search records displayed on the recent activities on the right side of the Bing AI page? This recent activity has caused the entire page to deviate to the left, making it particularly uncomfortable to use. How can I close this recent activity?屏幕截图 2023-05-11 093348.png

1 Reply



I was looking for an answer to this also and came upon your post. Looks like there is still no settings option yet, unfortunately, but hopefully soon. In the meanwhile, there's a workaround you can do with inspect elements to hide the recent activity. This only works for the tab you are in, and you'll have to do it again if you open a new tab, but may be helpful if you have to share a screen.


Steps (example here):

1. right click

2. select "inspect elements"

3. In the inspect elements pane, select the option for


<slot class="side-panel" name="side-panel">∞</slot> flex == $0


(if you've selected it correctly, then the area will be blue)

4. Right-click on that line and select "hide element".

Hope that helps in the interim.