Synchronize the online exchange (office 365) with the local AD

Copper Contributor

Hi, I have 12 local accounts in my Local AD, now I Bought some licences of exchange online. I need synchronize with AD Connect both - AD Local x Exchange Online, because i want to change local password and change on exchange online. I tried to do this, but i recive a lot of sync errors because objects already exist

3 Replies

If you already have the domain verified and setup in Office 365, then your account you have in local AD hopefully isn't synced up and created accounts yet, if you have duplicates then it's going to be a lot harder to accomplish this. If not, then you can make sure the e-mail address field, the UPN(Login) matches including suffix, then edit the attributes (Requires advanced view in AD Users Tool) update the proxy addresses to include at a minimum the primary address, which each address needs to be prefixed with and the primary reply address needs to be caps This should soft match and the sync up the users.

@Chris Webb Thanks for answering!

I already have the domain verified and setup in Office 365, besides that, I have accounts set up, like: When I activate the sync with Local AD using AD Connect, the users are duplicated, because I have accounts with the same name. Is it possible change the atributes? I know that the correct is creat accounts in my Local AD, so it sync with Office 365, but when I bought the Office 365, I already had my accounts in Local AD.

User in Local AD: mnunes@local or

E-mail Account in Office 365:

parcitas = my domain

The Login name and the e-mail have to match, if it's already duplicated the user in 365 then you didn't have them matching, at this point I think it's going to constantly keep going to the wrong user account due to guid match now. Hopefully the duplicate user in 365 isn't used in any way, you might be able to delete, then force delete the user, and resync (with the matching attributes as described above) then sync again and see if the proper e-mail account in 365 changes from cloud user to synced user.