OneDrive/Sharepoint IP locking breaking functionality

Copper Contributor

Turning on IP restrictions in Sharepoint/Onedrive is breaking core functionality for us.

When IP restrictions are on, default Onenote notebooks aren't provisioned, and a banner is displayed stating "we can't access all of your notebooks.....". Also when users are editing documents in Sharepoint or Onedrive using the web editor, they get timed out of the documents after 3-8min. Removing IP restrictions resolves all of these issues. 


Microsoft support was able to confirm this bug on a test tenant. Their recommendation was to add the MS servers servers to the allowed list of IP's. However the the list of IP's provided is greater than the maximum number of IP's you're allowed to add to the whitelist.


Has anybody else seen this, have any ideas or other escalation paths?

1 Reply


If this is a bug, then there is nothing we can do :-(. By the way, adding here @Bill Baer