Interview: Yammer connected Office 365 Groups


I managed to snag @Steve Nguyen and @Angus Florance to talk about Yammer connected Office 365 Groups rolling out this week. @Loryan Strant and a live audience helped us put some pertinent questions to Steve and Angus. After 18 months of plumbing and "non-sexy" updates, it looks like Yammer is ready to start ramping up on feature releases. I expect many will be in-line with the Office 365 Groups fabric, bringing parity to teams that choose the Yammer experience for their conversations. 

We had some curly questions around compliance and the different waves of updates for Yammer connected Office 365 Groups. 

It's 30min interview via Soundcloud or YouTube. 

RE:Office 365 - Interview: Yammer connected Office 365 GroupsInterview-Yammer-connected-Office-365-Groups.jpg





2 Replies

Very Good Darrell, great prespective !