Excel 2010 formules et $

Copper Contributor



Dans une formule, lorsque je veux mettre les signes $, la cellule se grise et se désactive.


Exemple : L1C1 + L2C2 = 3

                $L1C1 + $L2C2 = la formule excel contient une erreur.



De la même manière, je n'arrive pas à étendre les formules. En effet, quand je les étends, elles se recopient exactement de la même manière et non pas en fonction des cellules.


Je ne sais pas si j'ai été clair...


Merci pour votre aide

2 Replies

Translation of the original:



In a formula, when I want to put the $ signs, the cell gets gray and turns off.
Example: L1C1 + L2C2 = 3
         $L1C1 + $L2C2 = the excel formula contains an error.
In the same way, I can not extend the formulas. Indeed, when I extend them, they are copied exactly in the same way and not according to the cells.
I do not know if I was clear ...
Thank you for your help


Do you mean  that your formula is "=L1+C1 +L2+C2"


L1C1 isn't referring to a cell?

Or are you trying to multiple L1 and C1?


In which case "=L1*C1 +L2*C2" should work.

I 've just understood my problem.


My formula was too hard to be extended. So I 've made it again and it's ok.

