An Azure Active Directory call was made to keep object in sync between Azure Active Directory

Steel Contributor

error in adding contact in exchange online


An Azure Active Directory call was made to keep object in sync between Azure Active Directory and Exchange Online.


any known issue?



8 Replies

Issue is caused by orphan contact.

contact is listed in Azure AD but not reflecting in GAL or in contacts search.

how do we prevent this from happening?


Get-MsolContact -all | where {$_.EmailAddress -match ""} | FL

Remove-MsolContact -ObjectId a62325c4-53h6-48c1-84f9-9b1987364c976 -Force

I created an external email contact and tried to add the contact to a Distribution Group. The Error would pop up. I waiting about 10 minutes and then proceeded to add the contact to the group. No longer getting the Error. This error is likely due to giving it a little extra time to sync after contact creation.

Same here.....just had to wait a bit before I could add them to the group....haven't come across this before so I was concerned at first....all good now!
Has anyone found a better solution than "Wait a little bit" for this issue?
I'm having to wait upwards of 4-6 hours after adding a Contact, before being able to put them in a group.
This is after all Microsoft and a little bit is about as accurate as they come. 4-6 minutes is pretty close to my assessment for it to sync. But yeah, if you have a better word for it, let me know.
I think you misread that. It's 4-6 Hours. Minutes I could live with. Just started a week or so ago ("or so" for all the Microsoft folks:-))
4-6 hours, that's not good. in minutes is my experience. Yes, I misread your post 🙂