Nested O365 Groups are in the works

Bronze Contributor

Looks like Microsoft is looking for Feedback on Nested Office 365 Groups, see this Ignite Session: 

14 Replies

I get the need, I'm just think Microsoft will have to work very hard to implement easy usage and administration for this feature.

From their point of view they have to make this accessible and understandable to non IT-users.

Fair, we discussed it with lots of users at our booth at Ignite last week and they understood what we are trying to achieve which tackles one of their need.

I think this might be in reference to supporting the conversion of nested distribution groups to Office 365 Groups, not nested Office 365 Groups. Nested Office 365 Groups create all sorts of identity issues...

Might very well be.

Has this feature now appeared? By chance we notice we can now add 365 Groups to Distribution Lists.


Is this intentional, or an accident ? I have lots of use cases but wouldn;t want to start them before it's been announced.



Anyone knows whats the status of this feature?


Hierarquical groups is a very common use case from the typical organizational logics in companies.

Maybe there will be some news at Ignite, though I'm unsure.
I understand the wish of nested group, I'm unconvinced of the possible implementation of if, without confusing at lot of users. Also there is the technical aspect.
The current approach where everyone in a group can glance the current members and know they all have access to these resources makes it very easy to understand.

Hi @Ivan Unger,


I just learned that this feature is available in Azure Portal (see picture below). However it is not working despite returning a success notification.



Yes that module is available in Azure AD, though I'm pretty sure does not apply to Office 365 Groups, but to standard security groups in Azure AD.

Go ahead and try it out. You can select to add one O365 Group to another, and the Azure UI will even tell you it was successful, but when you check back later, the group just won't be in the members.

Yup, Azure Portal is just misleading the user with its success message.

We do not support nesting and don't have any timing to share at this stage.

This is such a shame!

Because the same goes here for MS Teams and O365 Groups. I even cannot nest a group into group. But also adding Active directory groups to a MS Team splits up all users. How stupid!!!