I got this error page "Sorry, but you don't have access to the Teams admin center." why?

Copper Contributor



The origin of this problem is that I needed to access Teams admin center which is a part of a solution to a problem I got in Team UI which is missing Calendar application icon.


And I couldn't add it from Apps icon in teams UI. So I searched for a solution and I found the solution in this page:

Calendar missing in MS TEAMS 


when I tried to start following the solution, the solution required me to access the Teams admin center and I immediately got this error page:





What to do now ?

4 Replies

@aalzhrani it looks like you don't have the correct admin role assigned. Make sure you're a teams services administrator. 

@RuudGijsbers How to know if I have admin services for teams ?

@aalzhrani browse to https://aad.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/Overview

Within the Tenant Information box, your roles are shown. If you have more then 1 role, you can click through to see which roles are assigned to you. There the Teams Administrator role should be visible

I got this:


Your role
More info
Azure AD Premium P1
Tenant ID
Primary domain


I think of course I'm not admin. I talked to my organization IT dep. and they said it's not their responsibility since they are only IT dep. for our college which is part of many colleges to the main educational organization.


So I think I should contact the IT dep. in the main organization. Would you agree with me or there is a solution to get admin role without main IT dep. ?