Monitoring Approach for FSLogix

Steel Contributor

We have started a POC of using FSlogic O365 container and profile container. One thing I am struggling with is the monitoring approach. It seems the product uses a mix of Windows event logging and file logging (with some ETL file also). To develop a monitoring and alerting approach though I would need to know whats logged and to where. Is this documented anywhere? We recently had an issue where some users O365 container VHDX could not be loaded. This was not picked up and so our business were not happy.  I could tail the logs file using Splunk or the like but I need a reference for what's logged to build a parser or a list of Windows EventIDs to monitor for in the Windows Event Log.

1 Reply
The Logs for each machine using FSLogix are by default stored here - C:\ProgramData\FSLogix\Logs with sub-folders for the various options you can use ie Profiles and ODFC. These generally provide more detail on whats happening or not and for who so being able to read these may be a better option