Fears and uncertainty

Copper Contributor

What are your biggest fears? What’s holding you or your team back from diving into AI more?

9 Replies
The potential for people losing out on the experiences that build skill set by depending too much on Gen AI
Concerns over Client Data Protection
Not a fear but definitely facing challenge of adoption at both the exec and line level staff.
Security of the data and lack of training for staff to use tech confidently
Uncertainty of how external (Internet) data is accessed and how internal data remains accessible to AI and remains secure.
Our biggest team hurdle is the fear of losing the human contact at the core of our mission. The content from today has helped me see some of the ways we can keep the human in the loop and bring these tools and processes into play.

@Kazmcgrath great question. This is not really a fear but rather a challenge. How do find time for the exploration and due diligence thinking for our case use of AI. After today, I am inspired to just ask staff how to make this happen in way that doesn’t make them feel overworked or put upon. 

I would appreciate any ideas you may have to painlessly get us started on this journey. 

Dorothy Norris-Tirrell

Nonprofit Leadership Alliance 

Helping teams know where to get started.
I thought I was the only one who didn’t know anything anout AI. How heartening to hear we’re all learning together.