Sending email via Dynamic IP Address.

Copper Contributor

Hello World,


Wanted to see if anyone knows a way of sending email using Dynamic IP Address?


I can get the email out via port 25, but the problem is BL is catching it, causing it to fail to be deliver to the intended recipients. The only places I can send the email too, are general free mailboxes, like Yahoo and Gmail.


The only thing I can think of, is to get a static IP (just a test environment, don't want to spend the money). Or, us a third party smtp relay. But smtp relay again, cost money, which is not worth it when running a test a environment.



2 Replies

So you want tips on how to spam more effectively? :) You should not use Office 365 for sending any mass/bulk emails, use a service such as SendGrid or MailChip or any of the similar ones.

@VasilMichev wrote:

So you want tips on how to spam more effectively? :) You should not use Office 365 for sending any mass/bulk emails, use a service such as SendGrid or MailChip or any of the similar ones.

No, Not Spamming! Just want a legitimate test environment.