Jul 20 2021 11:17 AM
Our existing Microsoft 365 Business Standard licenses includes 50Gb of online archiving and once an Employee leaves, if we convert the mailbox to a shared mailbox, we LOSE all that email. Only option would be to export to PST first yet have no where in the cloud to store such a large individual file (due to all of the SharePoint restrictions and tiny drives we have on our clients).
So we are upgrading our top users to the E3 which gives us unlimited online archiving, yet are being told if that employee leaves, we'll also lose all that email unless we export to PST.
Microsoft is selling us on the whole E3 and archiving so we don't ever have to use such an old feature such as PST files yet they never seem to understand that Employees leave. Why should we lose all of our cloud stored emails because no longer want the account to be active? Keep paying us or lose all your emails.
There must be another way?
Jul 20 2021 11:44 AM
Jul 20 2021 11:51 AM
@stonefr33 Yes I was looking at the Litigation Hold but it still requires us to pay for the E3 while it's on hold. Our issue is how to we KEEP all of our own email yet not have to keep paying Microsoft for an account and email that's no longer being used?
Jul 20 2021 12:00 PM
Jul 20 2021 01:01 PM
Jul 20 2021 01:19 PM
Jul 20 2021 01:29 PM
Jul 21 2021 06:10 AM
Jul 21 2021 06:13 AM
Aug 16 2021 03:41 PM
@luvsql we are looking into this issue for another customer at Colligo. We're seeing this solution at another customer. If you're interested, let's connect offline.