XMLTools doesn't work with Excel 2007 anymore

Copper Contributor



I used XMLTools for Excel 2003 with Excel 2007 (it says its compatible). Everything worked fine, but now I get a Errormassage saying: Runtime error '424', object requierd. How can I make it work again?



1 Reply

So I just added the tool to my Excel 2016, also says compatible on the website, but it immediately complained about being on a 64 bit processor and says I need to change the VBA. Not sure if this is related to your problem but sounded similar.


I just had to change the following:

Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" _
                             Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _
                                                   ByVal lpbuffer As String) As Long

Declare PtrSafe Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" _
                             Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As longptr, _
                                                   ByVal lpbuffer As String) As Long