Where did the trendline go?

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone! I'm sorry if this is incredibly simple, but since the most recent update to Excel, I can't seem to find how I add a trendline to my scatterplot graph. 

I know prior to this update you would have the big sign to the side of the graph, but now it isn't there, and when I right click it doesn't give me the option to add a trendline, an equation, or an intercept like it did before. It does give me the option to format, but that is mostly about the font and things like that. 

I'm so lost.

3 Replies

@aleighanne On the Chart Design tab of the ribbon, in the Chart Layouts group, click the Add Chart Element drop down, then move the mouse pointer to Trendline.



@HansVogelaar It's not giving me those options anywhere. If I go to the "Chart" tab it shows "Switch Row/Column" "Select Data" "*The choose a chart type area*" "Chart Title" "Axis Titles" "Legend" "Data Labels" "Data Table"(which isn't selectable) "Axes" and "Format".

I can't find any chart element options anywhere anymore. I just don't understand. Also, I should maybe point out that I have an HP computer, if that makes it different?


Are you using Excel Online? If not, which version of Excel are you using?