VLOOKUP usage to find a match and autofill in Database

Copper Contributor

Hello, Recently while i'm working on creating a database and tried to use Vlookup function which I used till yesterday to be working as required. But now using the VLOOKUP for similar purpose to find a match in the array of tables, I'm able to fill only the initial cell and thereafter nothing was being filled even there is a match in the array of table and even literally I checked the formulae but still its showing "#N/A".

Really getting confused on how to resolve this. Can you kindly provide your support on how to resolve this?


Thank you.

3 Replies


First to check if cells are really match - in any empty cell type something like =A1=H23 if VLOOKUP returns an error for this pair. If result is TRUE when something is wrong with formula, if FALSE - with data.


Better to have sample to be more concrete.

@Sergei BaklanThank you Mr.Sergei Baklan. I tried to input some another value as suggested by you, with an alphabet and numeric in a cell and the same in the array table (for example: replaced 5861 with A1) and then able to find the result, and it worked. Now not sure what to do next in this case and what's wrong before only with the number? Any suggestions?


Most probably lookup value and array have different data types - number and text, e.g. 1234 and "1234".

If lookup value is text you may lookup it as VALUE(A1). If values in the range better to transform the to numbers. Only changing of data type is not enough, values shall be re-entered. Manually, or by Text to Columns, or by Paste Special -> Add, whatever.